Who We Are

UTNU is governed by the General Assembly which is the supreme organ of the organization.
Equipping Farmers with Expertise in Preparing Coffee Gardens

UTNU is a human-centered local Non-Government Organization established in 2017 – as a Community Based Organization (CBO). In 2020, UTNU was registered under the Uganda Registrar of Companies – as a Company Limited by Guarantee with no share capital (Registration Number: 80020002593801).

UTNU is committed to the poor vulnerable communities. The organization aims at providing qualitative and quantitative livelihood improvement services to the vulnerable poor communities with an emphasis on the girls, women, and youth especially vulnerable children. We aim at serving the neediest people of Uganda; to relieve their suffering and promote the transformation of their condition of life.

We stand in solidarity with the vulnerable poor communities especially women and children in a common search for justice. We seek to understand the situation of the vulnerable poor communities and work alongside them towards the fullness of life.

We seek to facilitate an engagement between the vulnerable poor communities and the affluent that opens both to transformation. We respect the vulnerable poor communities as active participants, not passive recipients, in this relationship. They are people from whom others may learn and receive, as well as give.

Mission: To improve livelihoods through training and capacity building, disease prevention, agricultural transformation, and maintaining a healthy environment.

Vision: UTNU is guided by a vision of a healthy, sustainable, and violent-free society.

Goal: To create and achieve a conducive environment for a healthy population, increased agricultural productivity, improved household income, food security, and better livelihood.

Core values:

  1. Foster professionalism in the delivery of its services through a dedicated and competent workforce in order to ensure sustainable results among its target population.
  2. Be guided by the concept of empathy in order to associate itself with the communities that benefit from our work.
  3. Cherish teamwork where the individual strengths and competencies shall constitute the whole for improved service delivery.
  4. Be guided by the values of accountability to all our internal and external stakeholders and will ensure transparency in all that we do.
  5. Provide its service in an inclusive manner and take into account the social, cultural, political, religious, and other demographic diversities of the population it serves.
  6. Premise its services of equality for all and equity through delivering according to needs.

The following are the core programs or thematic areas which help the organization strategically achieve its mission:

The following are the core programs or thematic areas which help UTNU strategically achieve its mission:

  • Livelihoods and Food Security.
  • Education, Children, and Youth.
  • Gender Equality
  • Water, Sanitation, and Physical Infrastructure
  • Climate Change
  • Health and HIV & AIDS
  • Protection of women and children’s rights
  • Financial and entrepreneurship management


  • To sustainably improve livelihoods of rural poor communities through sustainable commercial farming, environment protection/conservation, and addressing Climate Change Issues.
  • To contribute to the reduction of HIV and AIDS prevalence plus other STDs while promoting healthy living.
  • To support rural poor communities (disadvantaged adolescents and youth) access to basic education, plus vocational and life skills training with a special focus on Girls’ Education.
  • To eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by promoting equality in education, while ensuring girls’ full and equal access to basic education of good quality.
  • Promote Gender Equality & Women Empowerment, while addressing Gender-Based Violence Issues.
  • Promote the provision of Accessible Clean Drinking Water & Quality sanitation facilities plus improved community physical infrastructure.
  • Promote Child Protection, Rights of Children & Youth Development and address the issues related to Abuse and Marginalization of Children, Adolescents, and Youth.
  • Advocate for the rights

Track Record of Experience:

Project Name Geographical Coverage Source of Funds Project Duration
Formation and strengthening of 10 Teens clubs in schools for HIV prevention and control among Children in Uganda Mukungwe Sub-county, Masaka Mark Toby Clubs Foundation February 2017 – August 2018
Improved wellbeing of 500 children, 50 youth, and 100 households infected and affected by HIV and other adversities. Masaka District UTNU Fund October 2018 – April 2019  
Promoting improved vocational education and training among 25 vulnerable poor girls in Uganda Kayirikiti, Kasana, Binyonyi A & B Villages in Masaka Nserester Vocational School February  2019 – August 2019  
Promoting improved quality of life of 400 OVC and their households through increased access to economic, social protection, and legal services. Masaka District UTNU Fund July 2019 – June 2020  
Promoting Piggery production among 50 vulnerable poor women and youth in Uganda Nyendo Ssenyange Sub-county, Masaka District Mack Stephen October 2019-March 2020
HIV Prevention care and support for children and their families project to ensure access to health-friendly services for the infected and affected children and their families Bukakata Sub-county, Masaka District UTNU Fund January 2019-December 2019
Scaling up Comprehensive Evidence-based HIV Prevention Through Community Engagement in Mukungwe sub-county, Masaka District Uganda Mukungwe sub-county, Masaka District UTNU Fund Jan 2020 – December 2021
Promoting sustainable urban vegetable production improved post-harvest handling and value addition Masaka District Green Women Association   December 2019-March 2020
Integrated Natural Resource Management in Uganda Mukungwe Sub-county, Masaka UTNU Fund February 2021 – July 2021
Enhancing Poultry production and fruit tree growing to improve the livelihoods of women/girls Bukomansimbi District UTNU Fund 2021
Training and coaching 90 teachers to provide psychosocial support to OVC   Nyendo Mukudde, Masaka District UTNU Fund Jan 2022 – March 2022

Staff Capacity:

Type of Staff Female Male Total Number
Regular 9 6 15
Contractual 4 7 11
Volunteers 6 4 10
 Total Number 19 17 36


Membership of UTNU is always open to individuals and organizations around the world that share the same vision with UTNU and are committed to the objectives of UTNU. UTNU has so far registered 900 members by October 2021.


Financial Year Expenditure in Uganda Shillings
2017 – 2018 Uganda Shillings 389,948,250
2018 – 2019 Uganda Shillings 523,919,808
2019 – 2020 Uganda Shillings 970,118,460

Uganda Shillings 914,760,147

2021-2022 Uganda Shillings 955,343,250
2022-2023 Uganda Shillings 901,211,210

Some of the procedures and policies

Name of Policy Purpose
Financial Policy 2021 To establish and institute financial controls within UTNU for accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of financial data.
General Procurement Policy Designed to ensure timely, efficient, and economic procurement, within the guidelines of good business practices.
Cost Share Matching Policy Represents the portion of a funded project that UTNU must contribute in order to share the costs of meeting the objectives of the project outlined in the grant agreement
Whistle Blowing Policy To protect members who report UTNU’s unethical conduct of employees, management, directors, and other stakeholders by an employee or other persons to appropriate authorities.
Risk Management Policy The aim of the risk management policy is to maximize opportunities in all UTNU activities and to minimize adversity.
Communications Policy Control and reduce the communications cost in an effective way
Confidentiality Policy To protect UTNU’s confidential information. Confidential Information shall mean, but is not limited to, plans, the process of, reports, financials, business or strategic plans, compensation, donor lists and donors, client lists, and clients.
Computer Policy To effectively manage and guide the use, maintenance, and security of UTNU computer systems.
Asset Disposal Policy To lay out the requirements for disposing of UTNU assets under a holistic framework and ensure that the UTNU obtains the best value.
Protection and Safe Guarding Policy To protect people, particularly children, at risk, adults, and beneficiaries of assistance, from any harm that may be caused due to their coming into contact with UTNU
Conflict Management Policy To resolve disputes among UTNU staff in a constructive manner.
Volunteers Code of Conduct To establish a standard set of rules and regulations for the entire municipality whereby all volunteers will adhere to and adopt such rules and regulations as a standard code of conduct for all volunteers.
Book Keeping and Record Maintenance Policy To monitor bank balances, the status of funds, receipts and expenditures, and a comparative statement of Budget vs. actual expenditure on a regular basis.
Procurement Policy To ensure that orders are handled by assigned committees in evaluating required purchases; goods are purchased through the suppliers offering the best deals; purchases made do not exceed the budget provided, and purchased goods and services conform to the quantity and price specified in the order.
Annual Performance Evaluation Policy To carry out analysis, based on documentation from previous stages of the process, of an employee’s work record.
Privacy Policy Designed to help individuals understand how their personal information is managed at UTNU.