Afforestation to Restore Degraded Landscape

1 000 000 Tree Planting Challenge to Promote Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Central Uganda project will benefit 3,500 people in Bukomansimbi and Kalungu districts through maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in the agricultural landscapes. The project will reduce the unsustainable use of landscapes, forests and trees through planting and managing one million trees on 1011.7 hectares (2500 acres) of land. Trees will be planted and managed using Agroforestry and natural regeneration techniques while others will be planted as orchards and woodlots at schools. Trees will sequester carbon and conserve biodiversity, soil, and water. Through the many opportunities created, family income will increase and dependency on natural forests reduced restoring the landscapes.

  • The main project objective is to create a sustainable commercial agriculture system that envisages conservation farming as well as ecosystem services restoration.
  • To develop and demonstrate conservation and enhancement of ecosystem services at the farm level and the wider landscape level.
  • To build capacity within local stakeholders (schools and farmers) to better understand the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services and roll out ‘best practice’ project initiatives.