Healthy, Sustainable, & Conflict Free Society

We aim to create a sustainable change by improving the livelihoods of Uganda's poor, vulnerable, and marginalized communities. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive, and we're committed to working alongside these communities to achieve their goals. With a focus on long-term impact, we strive to implement innovative, community-driven solutions that empower groups of people.

Who We Are

About Us

Uphold The Needy Uganda (UTNU) is a women lead Ugandan Non-Governmental Organization established in 2017 and legally registered in Uganda. It is a human-centered local non-government, not-for-profit, non- sectarian, non-partisan organization aimed at sustainably improving livelihoods of the vulnerable and less developed people in Uganda. The organization was established in 2017 and enjoys 5 years’ experience in providing services related to capacity building, research, and trainings in livelihood improvement sectors such as Education, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Financial management, advocacy, Health and Sanitation plus environmental conservation.

Our Work

The organization aims at sustainably improving livelihoods of the critically vulnerable absolutely poor women and children in Uganda. The organization mainly works with small holder women dependent agriculture for a livelihood, women infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, women heading household’s young adolescent mothers, plus orphans and vulnerable children. UTNU’s activities involve promoting improved agricultural production, enhanced rural livelihoods and
healthy environment through advocacy, research, trainings and capacity building.

Maximizing Land Use Increasing Yields through Intercropping Beans and Maize
Economic Empowerment
Food security and livelihoods

This aims to improve the financial security and resilience of women and people who have been marginalized, as well as their knowledge of, access to, and confidence in ownership and utilization of economic resources. 

Advocacy for Sexual Reproductive Health in Uganda
Health Education
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)

We are committed to promoting reproductive health and rights, with a focus on increasing access to high-quality SRH information and services delivery. 

Advocacy for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda
HIV/AIDs Education and Prevention

We use a holistic intervention approach that creates and strengthens strong linkages for PLHIV and MARPs to access and use a comprehensive package of community-based services.

5 years in service

Our Impact

The organisation has since its inception gained experience in creating an enabling environment for a healthy population, increased agricultural productivity, improved household income, food security and improved health and education.
Direct beneficiaries
Projects completed
Districts served
Upcoming projects
Join Us In Making A Difference

Join Us in Making a Difference

we’re dedicated to creating a better world for all. But we can’t do it alone. That’s why we’re calling on people like you to join us in our mission to make a difference. Whether you’re passionate about fighting poverty, promoting education, or protecting the environment, there are many ways you can get involved and help us achieve our goals.

Fundraise for Us

Organize a fundraiser to support our cause. You can create a fundraising campaign on our behalf and ask your family, friends, and colleagues to donate.

Spread the Word

Help us raise awareness about our cause by sharing our mission and programs with your network. Follow us on social media, like and share our posts, and tell your friends and family about us.


Your financial support can make a significant difference in our ability to provide services and resources to those in need. You can make a one-time or recurring donation online or by mail.